Author Archives: admin

Augmented or Mixed Reality libraries and frameworks for Android and iOS

Augmented reality enhances one’s current perception of reality, whereas in contrast, virtual reality replaces the real world with a simulated one. Mobile VR is VR that is using a mobile phone as the primary viewing device (display), often with a headset like Google Cardboard or others.

? examples of Mobile Apps in Qt

C++ and Qt is a good choice for developing a mobile application, especially when you need at least two versions for different platforms. But this way is not yet too popular. Why, you may ask? Well, because there are IDEs like Android Studio, SmartCode, Xcode. It is natural to think that a native application is better than cross platform software.

Qt for Embedded Systems

The Qt development framework presents a rich set of tools for the creation of cross platform applications with an advanced UI. The framework supports all popular desktop and mobile operating systems and shares 5th-6th place in a global non-official rating of all cross platform and hybrid toolchains for desktop and mobile development.