C++ various interesting projects, small or NDA protected

This post will list some of interesting projects which are rather small to be listed seperately or old, or very NDA protected, or we just don’t want to spend time now to list them with more details 🙂 we can answer specific questions in any case (if you have them).

OCRlib – half-educational old project, which were used to break Captcha protection. At the time when we were doing it the % of success for recognition was near 50%. I know we could do it better but that % was enough for our half-educational purposes. :).
trading tool

TradingGraphs – tool which were gathering stock quotes trading history and represented/analizing it for future usage by market analitics. It tracks very detailed quotes (minute and 5-minute data) for long period. Detailed quotes allow developing and testing advanced algorithms of trading systems.

VoIP system and Phone Billing System – big system which was created to implement paid VoIP services + phone billing for customers. There was integration with Radius server and Asterisk.

We worked a lot on reverse engineering and implementation of various network protocols. It includes simple HTTP(s), FTP, Jabber, ICQ/AIM(OSCAR), MSN, Yahoo and more complex like Yahoo Chat, AOL Communicator protocols.

Few other interesting projects we had:

Wrapper for BtreiveDB database dll.
Documents indexing program which were indexing various documents and files on users computer and email and it allows search through this documents.
Library to replace representation Layer of Windows Application into WebApplication. where instead of showing Windows window this application where showing window in webrowser. In included many various windows controls emulation.
Defrag tool – System which were analizing defragmentation of logical hard drives.

And there was many others – just no place to list them all here. 🙂

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