Web systems – various interesting projects, small or NDA protected – Mix

This post will list some of interesting projects which are rather small to be listed seperately or old, or very NDA protected, or we just don’t want to spend time now to list them with more details 🙂 we can answer specific questions in any case (if you have them).

Business Management systems

Lead Management system – simple system which counts the referers from where leads are coming to the site and adds a payment % to their accounts when order is made. System has Administration area and Statistics reports.

Logistics system – simple system which allows to register where the cargo is and when it is expected to arive to middle points and to destination. System has several types of report for Logistics company and cargo owners.

Several affiliate management system and ads managment systems – during first 7 years of our work we worked on 4 affialite and ads management systems, two of them were quite big with different functions like complex reporting, vitual money accounts, customer targetings based on geo-location, interestes,etc.

Realestate system – one of the early projects where we implemented system for real-estate owners to put ads and for possible customers to review ads and contact owners.

E-learning solution – another early project with quite wide functionality including accounts for teachers and students, multimedia lessons and quizes creation, marks and notes, voice and text chats.

Antispam solution – intersting project with complex spam-detection algorythm and several plugins to popular email-clients.

Several helpdesk solutions – in addition to big helpdesk solution we described in other section we worked on several small solutions which users used to contact a company and solve their problems.

License Library – library which consists of licensing component that can be embedded into 3rd party product and web-administration panel to control the licenses assigned and used.

Social network for Parents with specialized modules like media gallery by age, dents growth, horoscope, articles, blogs, etc.

Used technologies: (in all projects) C++, .NET, ASP.NET, PHP, MySQL, SQL.

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