How to Develop Virtual Surround for MacOS Easily

This post covers topic how to create good virtual surround on a headset that doesn’t normally support stereo sound. It helps you enjoy a richer audio experience, more similar to what you’d get at a theater.

Bitcoin, bloсkchain, smart contracts

For those interested in cryptocurrency and services based on the blockchain technology, but have not had time to puzzle it out.
Blockchain-conference will be held on September 23 in Kiev, where the speakers will reveal the essence of the basic concepts and help you get started.

How to find an image that eats RAM in Android app

The beginner tip: Android development, old and new ways to find memory eating image in app code. Each android developer knows situation when the device starts to be slower than expected. The general purpose is clear: something is using the memory intensively. The strange thing to see that the cause of all is a simple… Read More »

The tools we use for voice recognition and speech synthesis

The main task was to find the right set of tools for human speech recognition that provide the pointed requirements. But no tool could cover all demands alone. At the beginning we used Google products. Then we realized it could not cover all req’s and tried the Nuance products. Finally we’ve integrated several tools. One tool covers separate set of cases.

Using Sphinx for middle size project

The project (where Sphinx applied later) started 2009 had large database of emails , contacts and various business transaction records. It was done with PHP and MySQL. The project had had to be long-standing, and the database was growing fast. After couple years we’ve felt lack of fine full-text search. For that time the MySQL build-in fulltext indexes haven’t been available yet as it was implemented in v5.5. After the quick review of some open source tools for full text search we decided to use the Sphinx.

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