Category Archives: Experience

Our development experience – technologies used in development process, projects completed.

The tools we use for voice recognition and speech synthesis

The main task was to find the right set of tools for human speech recognition that provide the pointed requirements. But no tool could cover all demands alone. At the beginning we used Google products. Then we realized it could not cover all req’s and tried the Nuance products. Finally we’ve integrated several tools. One tool covers separate set of cases.

Using Sphinx for middle size project

The project (where Sphinx applied later) started 2009 had large database of emails , contacts and various business transaction records. It was done with PHP and MySQL. The project had had to be long-standing, and the database was growing fast. After couple years we’ve felt lack of fine full-text search. For that time the MySQL build-in fulltext indexes haven’t been available yet as it was implemented in v5.5. After the quick review of some open source tools for full text search we decided to use the Sphinx.

Enable user to user calls, texts and phone number verificator with Twilio

One of our projects needed to set up voice and short message text communication between users through mobile phones and/or tablets. There are dozens solutions (some of them are given in List of some communication tools and phone number verification), we analyzed them and choose Twilio tool. We used it for few projects and knew that… Read More »

Example of Android Mobile Deep links indexing by search engine

In order to make life easier for users, Google provides such opportunity as indexing applications. With this feature, the user can easily switch between the browser and native applications. To use this, the developer needs to add a link to an application on its website.

Case: How to check quality of emails in your database (using

What could be easier than check an email address? Obviously, at least two operations should be done. First, to check the syntax of each email address. This task isn’t trivial and not only because some users have been registered in localized domains (like .在线, .இந்தியா, or .қаз). Second task is to check if given email does exist at server.

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