Category Archives: ASP.NET, PHP, JavaScript

Our ASP.NET, PHP, JavaScript development experience and expertise.

Web Apps & Solutions Development

Developex is a custom software development company providing dedicated teams and the full range of the Web application development services needed to create and launch effective enterprise and Cloud-based solutions for businesses of any size and industry. Our 19 years of experience in Web development gives us the possibility to deliver backend, frontend, and cloud… Read More »

Case: How to check quality of emails in your database (using

What could be easier than check an email address? Obviously, at least two operations should be done. First, to check the syntax of each email address. This task isn’t trivial and not only because some users have been registered in localized domains (like .在线, .இந்தியா, or .қаз). Second task is to check if given email does exist at server.

Sharing the API with Swagger API Framework

Every manager or project owner wants to control development of their software but not all are able to do it. Aiming to make development clear for all participants of project the DevelopEx company has started to use the Swagger Framework — a tool for REST API representation and interactive documentation. That is especially useful for… Read More »

Automation testing Web applications with Protractor

The popularity of Web application automation testing with Protractor framework relates to popularity of Angular.JS the JavaScript framework that helps to make Web pages dynamic and lightweight. Among other projects Developex is working for the Web application based on Angular.JS. This application interacts with Java program and manage audio and video content onto specific hardware… Read More »

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